Student Letter

Hi, ich habe gerade meinen Student Letter fertig geschrieben und würde gerne mal eure Meinung hören…

Dear host family, 08.31.08

First of all I want to tell you how happy I am that you want to give me the chance to spend an amazing year in the USA. I am looking forward to getting to know you, a new environment, a new culture, festivals like Thanksgiving or Halloween, to making new friends, to improving my English and to making new experiences.

My name is … and I am … years old. I live in …, a small town, with about 40.000 inhabitants, in northern Germany. I am about …feet tall; I have … hair and … eyes.
In this letter I want to tell you something about me and my life.

First I’ll tell you something about my family, because they are really important to me.
My mother’s name is … and my father’s name is …, they both work at …as … I do get along really good with both. I don’t have brothers or sisters and no pets, I had three mice, but that was about 3 years ago.
Because of my father’s job I already moved 3 times. When I was born my parents lived for 1 year in the capital of the …, … But I was born in … because I was born too early and my parents were on vacation there. At the age of 2 we moved to …, the town where I live now. A few weeks before my 10th birthday we moved to …in … There I learned Portuguese. And after 3 years we moved back to … You see I already have had some experiences with finding new friends and getting to know a new country.

Now I’ll tell you something about my daily life.
I get up at about 6.30am and prepare myself for school, one hour later my best friend …, comes to my house and we both go together to our high school by bike. Then at 7.45am our lessons start we have 6 lessons everyday, each lasts 45minutes. My favorite subjects are English and math. I am in a bilingual class, that means that history, politics and biology are taught in English, so I think that I won’t have so many problems with the understanding and talking. Only my grammar isn’t the best and in the beginning I’m a bit shy when I talk in another language. I like going to school because I’ve many friends there and it’s always funny with them and I love to laugh. After school we sometimes have working groups. At the moment I participate at two, one is named D.E.L.F. that is a preparation for a French diploma. With the other working group we collected money for the building of solar panels at our and at our partner school’s roof. When the working groups are over … and I go back to my house and eat lunch. In the afternoon we do our homework, listen to music, talk, watch films (mostly comedies), do handicrafts and jump on the trampoline. We also often hum or sing songs, even if I am not the best singer, because we both love music. Each Wednesday I have Tennis lessons together with my other best friend … In the past I’ve already tried some hobbies, like ballroom dancing (unfortunately there weren’t many boys, who wanted to dance), ballet (when I was younger), jazz-dance (but the group was dissolved), flute, keyboard, samba, swimming, skiing and last year I started snowboarding (only in the winter). So you see I am open for everything and I would like to try new things at the school in the USA. When I’m alone, I like to read German and sometimes also English, French and Portuguese books.

In the end I want to tell you something about my personality. I’m cooperative and adaptive, studios, honest, friendly and tolerant. Sometimes I’m a bit shy, but that will stop when I get to know you better. I’m reliable and in my family we take it for granted to know where the others will be during the day. I always try my best.

Now I want say many thanks to you that I can be a part of your family for a year. I hope that my stay will be an interesting experience for you and me.

Vielen Dank für durchlesen und hoffentlich fürs antworten

Warum antwortet mir keiner??


Ich musste letztens auch meinen Brief an die Gastfamilie schreiben und war froh um jede Antwort :wink:

Leider habe ich zwar noch kein Feedback von der Gastfamilie bekommen aber dafür einige Tipps von ehemaligen Austauschschülern.
Also ich werd mein Bestes tun, um dir auch etwas helfen zu können!

Allgemein würde ich etwas mehr über dich im bezug auf die USA schreiben!
Wie bist du darauf gekommen, ein ATJ dort zu verbringen?
Was sind deine Erwartungen? Was erhoffst du dir von deinem ATJ?
Warum die USA? Wie lange hast du dir das schon überlegt?
Sowas eben^^

Den Teil mit deinem Schulalltag würde ich etwas kürzen. Die Zeit, wann du aufstehst ist für so einen ersten Brief nicht unbedingt wichtig!
dass du über deine Freunde schreibst und was ihr zusammen macht ist gut ebenso wie deine Hobbys!
Vielleicht solltest du noch rein schreiben, was für Unternehmungen du mit deiner Familie machst, damit die Gastfamilie nicht denkt, du wärst nur mit Freunden unterwegs und würdest dich nicht in die Familie integrieren!

Der Teil über deine persönlichen Eigenschaften gehört weiter nach vorne!
Daran kannst du dann eventuell deine Hobbys oder dein Verhältnis zu Freunden und Familie anlehnen!

So ich hoffe, das hilft dir ein bisschen :wink:

Wenn du noch Fragen hast, frag ruhig, ich tu mein Bestes!

Viel Spaß in den USA :wink:
