Parent´s Letter Korrektur

Hi Leute,
für meine Bewerbung für ein Auslandsjahr sollte nicht nur ich einen Brief an eine Gastfamilie schreiben, sondern auch meine Eltern. Da meine Eltern allerdings keine Englisch können, musste ich alles übersetzen. Da wahrscheinlich noch einige Fehler drin sein werden, würde ich mich freuen wenn ihr euch den Brief durchlest und es korrigieren könntet. Danke :wink:

Dear host family,

first of all we would like to thank you very much that you are going to host our daughter at your home and we hope that there will be a good relationship between you and … . She is a helpful, friendly and polite person and likes to work with other people. She does her homework and learning all by herself. … really likes to do sports. Twice a week she trains athletics in a sports club and she is a voluntary judge for athletics. She also likes to play uni hockey and has played in the school team. Once a week she climbs together with friends. In her freetime she also draw and read a lot and likes to meet with friends.
Now something about our family. Her dad … is 40 years old and works as an IT System electrical engineer and her mom … is 38 years old and works a responsible person for energy industry. We are an athletic family and like to travel to the sea. In the household … has to clean her room, to vacuuming, to take care of her rabbit, and she helps with cooking and backing. When she said us that she would like to go to the USA we did not know how to cope with her decision, because it is a very long time and we will miss her a lot, but now we know that it is a big chance for her and she will have a great time. We hope that she feels well with you and that she will have a wonderful school year. Thank you that you will give her a home. Yours sincerely, …

So ein paar fehler machen das ganze nur sympathisch, seh das nicht so eng. Der Brief ist aber gut, ich wuerde ihn lassen wie er ist und wenn du ihn unbedingt richtig haben moechtest dan gib es doch einfach deinem Englischlehrer. :+1: