Jetzt kommt der HAMMER: host family letter :D bitte dennoch lesen und verbessern:)

Dear Host Family,

first of all I want to thank you for reading my letter and giving me the
opportunity to live in the USA for 5 month. I’ve never been to America before
but I always wanted to and I think, that an exchange is the perfect chance to to that.
In this letter I want to introduce myself, my family and my daily life, so that you get to know me better.
My name is Antonia May and I’m 15 Years now, I was born on 05.11. 1994 in Würtzburg, where my grandparents are living. At this time we still lived in Luxenbourg, a very small country between France and Germany, but one year later we moved to Munich, one of the biggest cities of Germany and after three years we moved to *******, a small village with around 4000 inhabitants, where I’m still living. I would discribe myself as very open-minded, responsible, committed, friendly and maybe a little bit crazy. I laugh a lot and most of the time I’m good-humored.

My family consists of four members: My mother Stefanie (), my father Stefan (), my brother Tilman (**) and me. They’re all very important for me, because they always support me, if I need help or have any worries. Also my grandparents are very important for me and I often visit them.
We have lots of pats, two dogs (Bruno and Jasko) and two cats (Pauline and Lilly). I really love them and so it definetly wouldn’t be a problem if you have pets.

I visit the Egbert-Gymnasium Münsterschwarzach (we just call it EGM) which is a private beneditic school with around 1000 students, which my brother is vistening, too. I’m am member of the ‚DeBeJu‘, which is a community of all German benedictc schools. We arrange for example meetings with this schools and this is always lot of fun. I really love my school, because there you can do lots of sports and other activeties and of course I can meet my friends, because most of them go to the EGM, too . My school starts at 7:50 am (I have to wake up at 6:00 am) and ends at 12.50 pm, but two times per week I have lessons until 16.15 pm. I have diffrent subjectss every day, but my favourite ones are German and English.

After school my family eats together and then I’m doing my homework and learn for school.
Of course I help my mother with the household, like cleaning the kitchen or the bathroom and of course my room.
Two times per week I have basketball training with our school team. Basketball is my favourite hobby and the training is always a lot of fun, because our coach is really cool and some of my friends are in the team, too. At the weekend we have our games against other schools. Last year we have been very good, but this year we loose most of the games (I guess our training is going to be harder).
I’m also in the drama-club of our school. At the moment we are practicing a new play, but our teacher is ill very often, so it will take a lot of time until we can show it on the stage.
In my free time I read a lot or take photos. I love photography and I spend a lot of time with taking pictures. At the weekend I often meet friends, then we go to cinema, go shopping, swimming or just talk and laugh. That’s always fun, because I love my friends and we always have a great time together.
I love travelling and have already been to many countries like Spain, Italy, France and India, there I stayed for 3 month together with my family, because my father has the possibility to take part in an exchange programm with a partner university in India. That was such a great expirience and one reason why I want to make an student exchange.

My family is catholic, but we don’t go to church every week, but if you go to church every sunday I’ll come with you.

After I have finished school I want to study, maybe one semester abroad.
I don’t know what I want to study, but I think there is still enough time left to decide this.

During my exchange I want to learn more about the USA and the ‚american way of life‘. I also hope that I’m going to be more indenpend and of course making friends and improve my english.
This has been my biggest dream for such a long time and I’m so happy that it’s going to be real.
So, I hope you liked my letter and received an impression of me and my daily life.

Best regards from Germany,

Yours, Antonia

also irgendwie kommen mir da teile bekannt vor…:stuck_out_tongue:
naja…ich weiß jetzt nicht ob das zufall :smiley:

Dear Host Family,

first of all I want to thank you for reading my letter and giving me the
opportunity to live in the USA for 5 month. I’ve never been to America before
but I always wanted to and I think, that an exchange is the perfect chance to to that.
In this letter I want to introduce me and my daily life.

My name is Antonia May and I’m 15 Years now, I was born on 05.11. 1994 in Würtzburg, where my grandparents are living. At this time we still lived in Luxenbourg, a very small country between France and Germany, but one year later we moved to Munich, one of the biggest cities of Germany and after three years we moved to *******, a small village with around 4000 inhabitants, where I’m still living. I would discribe myself as very open-minded, responsible, committed, friendly and maybe a little bit crazy. I laugh a lot and most of the time I’m good-humored.

My family consists of four members: My mother Stefanie (), my father Stefan (), my brother Tilman (**) and me. They’re all very important for me, because they always support me, if I need help or have any worries. Also my grandparents are very important for me and I often visit them.
We have lots of pats, two dogs (Bruno and Jasko) and two cats (Pauline and Lilly). I really love them and so it definetly wouldn’t be a problem if you have pets.

I attend the Egbert-Gymnasium Münsterschwarzach (we just call it EGM) which is a private beneditic school with around 1000 students, which my brother attends, too. I’m am member of the ‚DeBeJu‘, which is a community of all German benedictc schools. We arrange for example meetings with this schools and this is always lot of fun. I really love my school, because there you can do lots of sports and other activeties and of course I can meet my friends, because most of them attends my school, too . My school starts at 7:50 am (I have to get up at 6:00 am) and ends at 12.50 pm, but twice a week I have lessons until 16.15 pm. I have diffrent subjectss every day, but my favourite ones are German and English.

After school my family eats together and then I’m do my homework and learn for school.
Of course I help my mother with the household, like cleaning the kitchen or the bathroom and of course my room.
Twice a week I have basketball training with our school team. Basketball is my favourite hobby and the training is always funny, because our coach is really cool and some of my friends are in the team, too. At the weekend we have our games against other schools. Last year we have been very good, but this year we loose most of the games (I guess our training is going to be harder).
I’m also in the drama-club of our school. At the moment we are practicing a new play, but our teacher is ill very often, so it will take a lot of time until we can show it on the stage.
In my free time I read a lot or take photos. I love photography and I spend a lot of time with taking pictures. At the weekend I often meet friends, then we go to cinema, go shopping, swimming or just talk and laugh. That’s always fun, because I love my friends and we always have a great time together.
I love travelling and have already been to many countries like Spain, Italy, France and India, there I stayed for 3 month together with my family, because my father has the possibility to take part in an exchange programm with a partner university in India. That was such a great expirience and one reason why I want to make an student exchange.

My family is catholic, but we don’t go to church every week, but if you go to church every sunday I’ll come with you.

After I have finished school I want to study, maybe one semester abroad.
I don’t know what I want to study, but I think there is still enough time left to decide this.

During my exchange I want to learn more about the USA and the ‚american way of life‘. I also hope that I’m going to be more indenpend and of course making friends.
This has been my biggest dream for such a long time and I’m so happy that it will be real.
So, I hope you liked my letter and received an impression of me and my daily life.

Best regards from Germany,


Vielen vielen dank für die verbesserung ! :slight_smile:

Stimmt, ich habe mir deinen durchgelesen, :wink:
Aber ich wollte ihn nich kopieren oder so, wirklich nicht, ich habe ihn nicht als vorlage oder sowas benutzt! naja, und so satzanfänge habe ich mittlerweile in vielen host family letters gesehen. aber ich ändere ihn eh noch ein wenig von der struktur :+1:

Das ist doch nicht schlimm oder so…:D:D
kannst den auch so lassen.
ich hätt das nur lustig gefunden wenn das zufall wär! :smiley:

jaaa, :smiley:
nene, ich wollte ihn eh noch ein bischen ändern und so :wink:
du fährst doch mit camps oder? dann haben wir die gleihe partnerorga-> CIEE, oder?
bist du schon fertig mit der application?

ja ich fahre mit camps =)
bin aber noch nicht fertig:P
hab ja auch noch ein bisschen zeit.
und selbst?

ich bin auch noch nicht fertig :smiley:
machst du regionenwahl? weil wenn man das machen will, muss die application spätestens bis zum 30 januar (oder so ähnlich) fertig sein ^^
und dieses lehrer und arzt dingsda brauche ich auch noch. oje
lädst du dein ‚family album‘ online hoch oder machst dus in papierformat?

ja hab schon bei meinen lehrern angerufen und auch bescheid gesagt:P
das mit dem artzt das hab ich bald.hab vor dem tuberkolose test i wie n bisschen bammel weil mein biolehrer meinte so ja die ritzen dir dann in den arm…:D:D
mit dem album dass weiß ich auch noch nicht :stuck_out_tongue:

Keine angst vor dem test! die spritzen dir da ein wenig zeugs rein und dann wird ein kuli kreis gemalt oder so. am 3. Tag musst du dann noch mal dahin und die lesen ab ob du positiv oder negativ bist.
Das tut echt nicht weh. Also mir nicht vorallem weil ich eben Spritzen gewöhnt bin :slight_smile:
Kurzer picks und danach tut nix weh wie nach ner Impfung. Die ist echt schlimmer als das!

dann bin ich beruhigt :smiley:
ich hatte da auch scon voll angst davor. ich hasse arzt eh. ich werde von impfungen immer krank. juhu, das wird lustig :smiley:
ich muss jetzt eh erst mal meinen reisepass beantragen ^^

mein leherer hat mir die ekligsten dinge erzählt…:D:D
hmm wenn das nicht schlimmer als impfen ist wird das ein klacks :slight_smile:

heißt das jetzt I want to introduce me oder myself…:stuck_out_tongue:
ich hatte mein host letter ja auch im forum und da wurde dann mein me
zu myself berichtigt?? kann da jmd weiterhelfen…:D:D
(Ich weiß ich spame den Beitrag schon :grin: )

nicht schlimmer als impfen???
oh gott, ich hasse impfen, ich werd da immer krank ^^:bulb::bulb::confounded:

MYSELF :smiley:
also ich hoffe es :smiley:

also deinen habe ich nciht gelesen :smiley:
naja, ich glaube das sich eh alle host family lettern irgentwie sehr ähnlich sind :smiley: