Hostfamily letter (Würde es sich mal jemand durchlesen? :))

Ich weiß, dass gibt es schon ganz oft, aber kann es sich trotzdem mal bitte jemand durchlesen und sagen, ob der Hostfamily letter so okay ist?

Dear host-family
First I would thank you, that you read my letter.
It’s a little bit tricky to describe yourself, so I don’t know really what I can write.
Anyway, here are some things about your (hopefully) future host daughter.

You might already know that my name Jule XXX and I’m from Germany.
I was born in July 2000, when I start my exchange year I will be 16.
With my parents and my two siblings live I in a small village on the Swabian hills which is called XXX. It has only approximately 600 habitants. We have a big house and also a big garden, in which live a bunch of chicken and some rabbits. In the hilly area around our house you can see fields, grass, agriculture, forest and many farms. I’m a country girl and I love it.
My Dad XXXworks in Switzerland as a carpenter and glazier and is home only at the weekend. My Mum XXX works in a kindergarten, so I have to help at home very often, but I don’t mind. Cooking is just fun and the other things are finished very fast. I’m the oldest of three children and I’m very happy, that I have my two siblings.
My brother is XX years old and his name is XXX. My sister’s name is XXX and she is XXX. Sometimes I could kill they, but when they come to me, smile and say “Jule, I like you very much”. Then I also know that they are an important part of my life.

In my freetime I do a few things. So my hobbies are playing Volleyball, swimming and reading.
Since 2009 I play Volleyball in a sport club in my home village. We aren’t the best, but we have a lot of fun. We play “six-against-six” and I play as a “middle-blocker”. It means I jump and try to block the ball over the ”netz” (Was heißt das auf englisch?)
Furthermore I am a swim team member for 8 years and train to be a life safer. For the last 4 years I have trained for my life safer certificate. And I also educate younger children, so that they also can swim.
Every second Tuesday I going to be one of the leader of a youth group. This group is from the evangelical church and it is a lot of fun, to play and talk with the children.
In the time I have left I read everything I see and I like it very much.
And I also like it to cook great meals and bake cupcakes or cakes for my family or little parties.
In this school year I start by the “school-ambulance-team” and I’m very exited what I have to do over the year.

I must tell you something about my character, but it’s very tricky to describe yourself, so I ask my friends and my family.
Most of them say that I’m a very happy child. I smile all of the time and laugh very often. In my opinion the life is beautiful and you must do the best with them. So you can see, that I’m a very positive human.
With the Volleyball sport I learn also very important things. You may never give up the fight and your hope. Maybe you don’t see the way, but he is always there. And I also learn, that you never alone. To play in a team and work with other people together is very important for me.
But I also like it to be for my one a little time, to calm down, relax and then I can start with old power again.
In one thing also everybody agree. I am funny and humorous. I like it to laugh and I like it more, when everybody laughs with me. That’s a great feeling.
My friends and siblings say about me that I can help them every time. I’m a very bad comforter, but I can make them love whit tears in their eyes. And when they smile once, they aren’t as sad as before.

At the end I want to describe you the reasons, why I want to spend a year in the US.
It’s because I want to learn as much as I can about the people, the school, the country and everything else. I have heard so much about the United States, but now I want to see it with my own eyes. I want to find out if all these ideals are true. These are all reason why I want to dive into this experience and find out, there are more and more, but I can’t find words for all of this.

That’s all about me for the moment and I hope you like it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for reading my letter and greetings from Germany

Jule XXX

Ähm ja
Es gibt glaub einige Grammatikfehler, aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich es besser schreiben könnte.

Dear host-family
First I want to thank you, for reading my letter.
It’s a little bit tricky to describe yourself, so I don’t really know what to write.
Anyway, here are some things about your (hopefully) future host daughter.

You might already know that my name is Jule XXX and I’m from Germany.
I was born in July 2000, I will be 16 when I start my exchange year.
With my parents and my two siblings I live in a small village on the Swabian hills which is called XXX. It has only approximately 600 habitants. We have a big house and also a big garden, in which live a bunch of chicken and some rabbits. In the hilly area around our house you can see fields, grass, agriculture, forest and many farms. I’m a country girl and I love it.
My Dad XXXworks in Switzerland as a carpenter and glazier and is only home at the weekend. My Mum XXX works in a kindergarden, so I have to help at home very often, but I don’t mind. Cooking is just fun and the other things are finished very fast. I’m the oldest of three children and I’m very happy that I have my two siblings.
My brother is XX years old and his name is XXX. My sister’s name is XXX and she is XXX. Sometimes I could kill them, but when they come to me, smile and say “Jule, I like you very much” then I also know that they are an important part of my life.

In my freetime I do a few things. So my hobbies are playing Volleyball, swimming and reading.
Since 2009 I play Volleyball in a sport club in my home village. We aren’t the best, but we have a lot of fun. We play “six-against-six” and I play as a “middle-blocker”. It means I jump and try to block the ball over the net.
Furthermore I am a swim team member for 8 years and train to be a life safer. For the last 4 years I have trained for my life safer certificate. And I also educate younger children, so that they also learn to swim.
Every second Tuesday I go to be one of the leader of a youth group. This group is from the evangelical church and it is a lot of fun, to play and talk with the children.
In the time I have left I read everything I see and I like it very much.
And I also like to cook great meals and bake cupcakes or cakes for my family or little parties.
In this school year I start at the “school-ambulance-team” and I’m very exited what I have to do over the year.

I must tell you something about my character, but it’s very tricky to describe yourself, so I asked my friends and my family.
Most of them say that I’m a very happy girl. I smile all of the time and laugh very often. In my opinion the life is beautiful and you must do the best out of it. So you can see, that I’m a very positive human.
With the Volleyball sport I also learn very important things. You may never give up the fight and your hope. Maybe you don’t see the way, but it is always there. And I also learn, that you are never alone. To play in a team and work together with other people is very important to me.
But I also like to be for my own a little time, to calm down, relax and then I can start with power again.
In one thing also everybody agrees. I am funny and humorous. I like to laugh and I like it more, when everybody laughs with me. That’s a great feeling.
My friends and siblings say about me that I help them every time. I’m a very bad comforter, but I can make them love with tears in their eyes. And when they smile once, they aren’t as sad as before.

At the end I want to tell you the reasons, why I want to spend a year in the US.
It’s because I want to learn as much as I can about the people, the school, the country and everything else. I have heard so much about the United States, but now I want to see it with my own eyes. I want to find out if all these ideals are true. These are all reason why I want to dive into this experience and find out, there are more and more, but I can’t find words for all of this.

That’s all about me for the moment and I hope you like it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks for reading my letter and greetings from Germany


Also ich hab jetzt nicht jeden Satz genau studiert, so viele Fehler waren auch nicht drin, es kann aber sein, dass ich ein paar überflogen habe :smiley: Ich bin auch kein Experte oder so, einfach nur eine Schülern, falls du also nochmal eine ausführlichere Korrektur oder Begutachtung haben willst, würde ich deine/n Englischlehrer/in fragen :slight_smile:

Hi Jule,
ich habe deinen Brief gerad mal überflogen habe aber leider keine Zeit deine Gramatikfehler zu verbessern. Dafür gibt es jedoch auch im Internet Programme die dir diese verbessern.
Was mir aufgefallen ist und ich aufjedenfall weglassen würde ist der Satz, dass du deine Geschwister manchmal am liebsten umbringen könntest du sie aber trotzdem liebst. Ich hatte so etwas ähnliches drinne, mein Englisch Lehrer hat mir jedoch empfohlen dies aufjedenfall weg zulassen, da gerade die Ammis immer relativ positiv alles darstellen dies dann also nicht immer so rüber kommt wie man das auch möchte.
Ich hoffe das hat dir schon ein bisschen geholfen und es tut mir leid dass ich gerade nicht genauer drüber schauen kann,
Lg Pauline

Irgendwas scheint gerade kaputt zu sein, jedenfalls erscheint der Text gerade nicht. :grimacing:

Welche Programme soll es denn im Internet geben, die grammatikalische Fehler in Texten automatisch verbessern können? Davon habe ich bisher noch nichts gehört?

Danke, dass ihr in wenigstens mal überflogen habt. Meiner Englischlehrerin hab ich es schon gegeben und bis auf, dass sie über den Satz mit meinen Geschwistern gelacht hat, kam noch nichts zurück xD.

Ich schau mal nach dem Programm.
Auf jeden Fall nochmal Danke an euch alle :slight_smile: