Host family letter - bitte berichtigen :)

Hallo Leute,
ich gehe dieses Jahr nach Spanien und muss gerade den Host Family Letter schreiben. Es wäre nett, wenn ihr den mal überfliegen könntet. Oben drüber soll noch was auf spanisch hin :wink:
PS: Ich fahre vom 5.4. bis zum 11.4.15 nach Lauenburg zur Vorbereitungstagung. Ist noch jemand von euch zufällig da?

Hier der Text:

…that is what I already can say in Spanish, but since I know that I will go to Spain as an exchange student I learn the language.
First of all I want to say thank you for reading my letter and for giving me the opportunity to live almost a year in your family. With this letter I want to show you who I am and why I want to go to Spain.
I am 14 years old and live with my parents and my dog in a small town in the north of Germany. I love them a lot and at the weekends I spend a lot of time with them. Together we go for a walk through our village, visit my grandparents at the weekend or do bicycle tours. We have a house with a garden. I have no siblings, but this is no problem for me. I help at the househould, take my dog out and help cooking often.
At the moment I visit the 9th grade of a grammar school. My favourite subjecs are English and French because I love to speak a lot of different languages. I also like physics and other sciences.
I love meeting my friends at the weekend. We often go to other cities by train for shopping or we just listen to music at home. Listening to music, that is also one of my hobbies. My favourite styles of music are rock and pop. In addition I like reading books, travelling and taking photos very much. Last year I bought a new camera. Further I love playing tennis and snare drum. I enjoy my weekly lessons.
I am very interested in different cultures. That is reason why I like travelling a lot. I hope that the exchange year in Spain gives me the chance to get to know one more culture and live the Spanish lifestyle. I hope that I can see Spain after this year from another view than tourists.
I thank you so much for recieving me as one more person in your family! I am very, very looking forward to get to know you soon.
Best regards,

Kurzes Feedback:

Auf Grammatik, Rechtschreibung und dergleichen hab ich jetzt nicht geachtet…

… aber inhaltlich gefällt er mir sehr gut. Mir fällt jetzt auch nichts ein was du vergessen haben könntest.


Du hast einige kleine grammatikalische Fehler drin, aber der Brief ist ja recht kurz und insgesamt ziemlich gut zu verstehen, darum würde ich es einfach so lassen. Du brauchst keinen grammatikalisch perfekten Brief hinzuschicken.

Danke :smiley:

Dankeschön :slight_smile: